Type of activity
Activitat interactiva
Benvinguts a Tàrraco!
Tinglado 4 in the Port of Tarragona
Saps com són les ciutats romanes? Què es fa al fòrum o com arriba l’aigua a les domus? Tenen cinemes o camps de futbol? Amb l’ajuda de la Sabina i en Quintus i una maqueta, construirem la nostra ciutat ideal.Activitat recomanada per a famílies amb infants entre 3 i 12 anys.
04/01/2025 17:00-18:30h
Open Day
As every first Sunday of the month, the MNAT offers an open day at all its venues, which can be visited for free, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.:- TARRACO/MNAT exhibition. Tinglado 4. Moll de Costa-Port de Tarragona- Necropolis of Tarraco (Tarragona)- Roman villa of Els Munts (Altafulla)- Roman Complex of Centcelles (Constantí)
05/01/2025 10:00-14:00h
Enlaira't a la cúpula de Centcelles
Roman complex of Centcelles
Enlaira't i observa les pintures i el mosaic de la cúpula de Centcelles com no l'havies vist mai! En aquesta activitat amb ulleres de realitat virtual, podràs veure de prop tots els detalls d'un dels punts més extraordinaris del Conjunt romà de Centcelles. Amb l'acompanyament d'un guia i dinamitzador, podràs descobrir més sobre la seva història i iconografia.
05/01/2025 10:00-14:00h
MNAT Itineraries: the essence of Tarraco and its theater
Tinglado 4 in the Port of Tarragona
Join us to visit, every Sunday of the month, the imprints of Tarraco through an itinerary.This Sunday you will discover the Essence of Tarraco and its theater.Get to know eight centuries of Tarraco's history through a visit to the TARRACO/MNAT exhibition and one of the buildings of Tarraco's spectacles, the theater.
05/01/2025 11:00-12:30h
Guided tour of the Theater of Tarraco
Theater of Tarraco
As expected of a city of its importance, Tarraco had a theater where spectacles were performed, which often accompanied the main religious ceremonies. If you look at the remains of the cavea, the orchestra and the scaena, it is hard to imagine the Romans of Tarraco enjoying these shows.In the guided tour you will get to know the Theater of Tarraco and its surroundings, and you can visit the recreation…
12/01/2025 11:00-12:00h
MNAT Itineraries: The life of the elites of Tarraco
The Roman Villa of Els Munts
Discover one of the most important villas in Hispania, the Roman Villa of the Munts, declared a World Heritage Site in 2000.The residence and its richly decorated thermal complexes show what life was like for the elites of Tarraco. This itinerary will allow you to tour the site and also see the remains of the so-called Banys de Mar.On the occasion of the European Heritage Days, the itinerary on Sunday…
12/01/2025 11:00-12:30h
Jornada de Portes Obertes al Conjunt Romà de Centcelles
Roman complex of Centcelles
Amb motiu de la festivitat de Sant Sebastià, Festa Major d'Hivern de Constantí, el Museu Nacional Arqueològic de Tarragona ofereix una jornada de Portes Obertes al Conjunt Monumental de Centcelles (Constantí) el diumenge 19 de gener. El monument es podrà visitar de manera gratuïta en horari de 10 a 14 h.
19/01/2025 10:00-14:00h
Guided tour of the Theater of Tarraco
Theater of Tarraco
As expected of a city of its importance, Tarraco had a theater where spectacles were performed, which often accompanied the main religious ceremonies. If you look at the remains of the cavea, the orchestra and the scaena, it is hard to imagine the Romans of Tarraco enjoying these shows.In the guided tour you will get to know the Theater of Tarraco and its surroundings, and you can visit the recreation…
19/01/2025 11:00-12:00h
MNAT Itineraries: Life and death in Tarraco
Necropolis of Tarraco
On the Life and Death in Tarraco itinerary we suggest you enter the site of the Necropolis of Tarraco.You will visit one of the neighbourhoods outside the walls of Tarraco, where we find one of the most important funerary complexes of the Roman Empire. The itinerary will end at the Parc Central archaeological complex.
19/01/2025 11:00-12:30h
Guided tour of the Theater of Tarraco
Theater of Tarraco
As expected of a city of its importance, Tarraco had a theater where spectacles were performed, which often accompanied the main religious ceremonies. If you look at the remains of the cavea, the orchestra and the scaena, it is hard to imagine the Romans of Tarraco enjoying these shows.In the guided tour you will get to know the Theater of Tarraco and its surroundings, and you can visit the recreation…
26/01/2025 11:00-12:00h
Itineraries through the MNAT: The enigma of Centcelles
Roman complex of Centcelles
Join us to visit the remains of Tarraco every Sunday of the month through a tour of an architectural complex from the late Roman period.This Sunday is the turn of The Enigma of Centcelles. Discover the Roman Complex of Centcelles, which has an extraordinary mosaic with a Christian theme, and all the questions it still hides today. The itinerary is completed with a visit to the remains of the Roman…
26/01/2025 11:00-12:30h
Llegim el Patrimoni: Sessió de comentaris sobre Circe
Biblioteca Pública de Tarragona C. Fortuny, 30. Tarragona
La maga Circe és temuda per déus i humans a causa del seu poder per convertir els rivals en monstres. Desterrada a l’illa d’Eea, ens explicarà la seva visió de les intrigues entre els déus de l’Olimp i les relacions amb els mortals.Sessió de comentaris finals sobre l'obra conduïda per Joana Zaragoza Gras.
30/01/2025 19:00-20:00h