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Book presentation: "El Patrimoni Unesco a Catalunya"


27 November 2024

7 pm

XXIV anniversary World Heritage

Tinglado 4 in the Port of Tarragona

Moll de Costa. Port de Tarragona 43004 TarragonaHow to get there

As part of the events celebrating the 24th anniversary of the declaration of Tàrraco as World Heritage, Tinglado 4 will host the presentation in Tarragona of the book "El Patrimoni Unesco a Catalunya", written by journalist Aure Farran and published by Viena Edicions. The work is a review of the Catalan landscapes and traditions that have received this recognition.

The presentation will be attended by the author and the participation of the director of the MNAT, Mònica Borrell, and the curator of the MNAT, Ester Ramon.

Free entrance - 977 25 15 15 

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