6 April 2025
From 11 to 12:30h
Itineraris pel MNAT
Starting point: Tinglado 4
Ending point: Theater of Tarraco (Sant Magí, 1)
Join us to visit, every Sunday of the month, the imprints of Tarraco through an itinerary.
This Sunday you will discover the Essence of Tarraco and its theater.
Get to know eight centuries of Tarraco's history through a visit to the TARRACO/MNAT exhibition and one of the buildings of Tarraco's spectacles, the theater.
( (977 25 15 15 / 977 74 74 85).
Llegim el Patrimoni: Sessió de comentaris sobre La metgessa
27/03/2025 19:00-20:00h
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29/03/2025 11:00-12:00h