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BESSONS DIGITALS - Conference on 3D technologies to explore cultural heritage-2024

Photography: BESSONS DIGITALS - Conference on 3D technologies to explore cultural heritage-2024 1

6th and 7th of March | Monumental Complex of Centcelles, Early-Christian Necropolis of Tarragona and Campus URV

Heritage challenges in digital culture 

On March the 6th and 7th the second edition of the conferences Bessons Digitals, will be held, promoted by the National Archaeological Museum of Tarragona (MNAT), the Rovira i Virgili University, the project of digitalization of the cultural heritage Giravolt and the Catalan Intitute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC). This second Edition will address the application of 3D technology to cultural heritage as well as the challenges that its irruption raises in the management of these resources and their dissemination.

Bessons Digitals aims to deepen the role that digital technologies should play in the preservation and dissemination of cultural heritage. The conferences are based on the concept that cultural heritage is at the same time, the result and the process that provides society with inherited resources of the past, which take on a new meaning to the present that has to be transmitted to the future.

This year, Bessons Digitals is planning to continue with the theoretical and practical exploration with a special focus on 3D digitalization techniques and their role as a privileged tool for the safeguarding and dissemination of heritage.

The conferences are divided in two blocks: on the one hand, there will be four workshops aimed for graduate and postgraduate students at URV in the Early-Christian Necropolis and the Monumental Complex of Centcelles where some techniques such as virtual reality glasses, laser scanner, photogrammetry and digital storytelling, will be shown.

On the other hand, a final debate opened to the public is expected in order to share the challenges posed by the dissemination of these digital objects, both from the museums and from other institutions engaged with the preservation and dissemination of heritage.

Schedule of the conferences

Wednesday, 6th of March - monumental complex of Centcelles

Laser scanning workshop

Start: group A 9:30 a.m. - group B 12:00 p.m.

Duration: 2 hours

Location: outskirts s/num. Constantí. CP. 43120

By Lluís González Martín (Giravolt Program).

The workshop will address the following topics:

  • Description of the typology of scanners and presentation of the machinery that will be used.
  • Description of the methodology and definition of the study phase of the intervention.
  • Practical part of the data acquisition, execution of laser scanning in different positions.
  • Data import process and verification of the reliability of the set.
  • Processing and editing of the data collected.
  • Examples of results and possibilities of using the data obtained.
  • Q&A session

Workshop application and optimization of photogrammetric models to virtual reality.

Start: group B 9:30 a.m. - group A 12:00 p.m.

Duration: 2 hours

Location: outskirts s/núm. Constantí. CP. 43120

By Xavier Pasqual (xhaustudio).

The workshop will address the following topics:

  • Introduction and types of virtual reality viewers.
  • Optimization of a photogrammetric model with Blender3d, decimation of the polygonal mesh and export to .fbx.
  • Import of the model to Unreal Engine and export to .apk.
  • Use of Sidequest to install the application to the virtual reality glasses Meta Quest 3.
  • Q&A session.
  • Visualization of the virtual experiences: Centcelles VR, Sant Climent de Taüll, La Roca dels Moros.

Thursday, 7th of March - Early-Christian Necropolis of Tarragona and Campus Catalunya URV

SketchFab and digital storytelling workshop

Start: group A 9:30 a.m. - group B 12:00 p.m.

Duration: 2 hours

Place: MNAT Central Services Library. Av. Ramón i Cajal, núm 82 - Tarragona

Led by Luz Gámiz Bellver with the scientific contribution of Diana Gorostidi.

In the workshop we will highlight the importance of the coherence between the discourse presented by all the dissemination channels of a heritage institution or a researcher, and of developing a storytelling strategy. We will discover the benefits of 3D scanning and Sketchfab as a new tool for the presentation of projects, research and / or study of items.

The workshop will address the following topics:

  • Storytelling
  • Dissemination of knowledge
  • How to generate interest in citizenship
  • Sketchfab as a tool for research and dissemination of knowledge
  • Practical workshop

Photogrammetry workshop

Start: group B 9:30 a.m. - group A 12:00 p.m.

Duration: 2 hours

Location: Early-Christian Necropolis of Tarragona. Av. Ramón i Cajal, núm 82 - Tarragona

By the URV educational team.

The workshop will address the following topics:

  • Photogrammetric documentation of medium format items.
  • Definition of the suitable and necessary parameters to start the documentation.
  • Capture of photographic data of archaeological pieces.
  • Data processing with Structure from motion.
  • Export of results for processing with 3D printing software.
  • Q&A session.

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Round Table: Challenges in the dissemination of digital heritage 

Time: 17:00 to 19:00 h

Location: Room 503, Campus Catalunya URV. Streaming broadcast: (Link)

Activity open to the general public (limited capacity).


  • Mònica Borrell
  • Luz Gámiz
  • Claudio Prandoni
  • Josep M. García

Each speaker will make a brief presentation of his or her experience to allow for dialogue and questions from the moderators and the audience.The debate will initially focus on three lines that each speaker will frame in his or her professional and research experience. The lines are:  

  1. The processes and reflections that accompany the choice of technologies used in each project and the elements prioritized in each case; 
  2. The delimitations of audiences and the evaluation of the results of the different actions; 
  3. The incorporation of preservation and sustainability strategies in the initial design of the projects.  
It is also expected that the speakers and the audience can jointly address other cross-cutting issues such as the implementation of a gender perspective in 3D heritage dissemination projects or the environmental footprint of the use of digital technologies. 

The round table will be moderated by Ignacio Fiz, Vanina Hofman and Diana Gorostidi.

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Photography: BESSONS DIGITALS - Conference on 3D technologies to explore cultural heritage-2024 25
Photography: BESSONS DIGITALS - Conference on 3D technologies to explore cultural heritage-2024 26
Photography: BESSONS DIGITALS - Conference on 3D technologies to explore cultural heritage-2024 27

Mònica Borrell Giró

Director of the National Archaeological Museum of Tarragona. Degree in Geography and History, specialized in Prehistory, Ancient History and Archaeology and a Master's Degree in Archaeological Heritage Management from the University of Barcelona.

Luz Gámiz Bellver

Freelance and responsible for the storytelling of the Giravolt program. Graduate in Art History. Master in Museology and cultural heritage management, Master in management and dissemination of heritage photography collections, Master in communication, information and digital marketing and Master in UX.

Claudio Prandoni

University Degree in Mathematics at the University of Padua. Master in Applied Mathematics. He founded the SME AEDEKA at the beginning of 2017, where he is Managing Director. He had been involved in several projects funded by the European Commission, in the domain of ICT research and innovation, especially targeted to the tourism and cultural heritage sectors. Consultant for ARIADNE Research Infrastructure AISBL and Project Manager of the ATRIUM project funded by the Horizon Europe program. 

Josep Maria García

Wasabi Project Manager. He has directed museographic projects for over twenty years. He specialized in content production focused on audiovisual and interactive communication in the field of culture and tourism. In Wasabi he seeks the balance between the enhancement of heritage resources, the contents that need to be communicated, the technology to be applied, the reproduction systems, the demands of the project and the visitor's experience. The dimension of his company allows him to participate in all the phases of the process, from the creative stage, through the management of the project, the execution and the implementation of the project.

 Registration for workshops

Follow the conference!

   MNAT : Instagram | Twitter

   Giravolt: Sketchfab | Linkedin

   URV: Facebook | Instagram

Photography: BESSONS DIGITALS - Conference on 3D technologies to explore cultural heritage-2024 28
Photography: BESSONS DIGITALS - Conference on 3D technologies to explore cultural heritage-2024 29

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