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South Korean delegation visits the MNAT

26 April 2024

The MNAT recieved on Thursday 25th of March was visited by a delegation of representatives of the Cultural Heritage Preservation and Management Policy Division of the Government of South Korea. The objective of the group was to learn more about the conservation and management system of the historical sites, as well as the ongoing renovation projects. The visit was part of a tour within different areas of heritage interest in Spain. 

The delegation, headed by the team's chief Kim Young-ho, could get to know bothe the renovation project of the Archaeological Museum in plaça del Rey, along with the MNAT director, Mònica Borrell, as well as the TARRACO/MNAT exhibition in Tinglado 4, which they could visit. 

In addition, the representatives of the South Korean government, could compile the information about some general aspects of the organization of the MNAT, the activities that were organized and the acts of conservation and archaeological research. The delegation also showed interest in restoration projects, as well as the action aimed to the exhibition and dissemination of the collection and sites that are part of the MNAT. 

Next: Closing of the venues because of the 1st of May festivity
Previous: The MNAT organizes around twenty activities as part of Tarraco Viva centered on the Mediterranean

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