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New edition of the Cycle of Concerts at Centcelles from the 4th to the 25th of July

13 June 2024

The Monumental complex of Centcelles will once again hold this summer a new edition of the Cycle of Concerts at Centcelles, which will bring various quality musical proposals during all of July. This Thursday 13th of June, the Associació dels Amics de la Música de Constantí with the collaboration of the Ajuntament de Constantí, Repsol and the National Archaeological Museum of Tarragona (MNAT), have presented the courses that constitute the seventh edition of the cicle which will consist in 4 concerts. These concerts will be hold on th 4th, 11th, 18th and 25th of July and will have free entrace. 

The presentation event was attended by the culture councilor of the Ajuntament de Constantí, Dolors Fortuny; the MNAT director, Mònica Borrell; the Repsol comunication manager, Francisco Montoya; the artistic director of the Cycle of Concerts and responsible of the Associació dels Amics de la Música de Constantí; Remei Tell; and the director of the Escola Municipal de Música “Rafel Gibert Recasens”  of Constantí, Josep Boada.

The MNAT director, Mònica Borrell, has recognized the "collaborative work with the Ajuntament de Constantí around culture and heritage". and has also highlighted the "will of the projection and cultural consolidation of Constantí, with proposals such as this Cycle of Concerts".

Program of the Cycle 

The program in this seventh edition of the Cycle  of Concerts at Centcelles will start on Thursday 4th of July with the performance that will offer the Ensemble of the Escola Municipal de Música “Rafel Gibert Recasens" of Constantí, which for the sixth time in a row will be included on the program of this Cycle of Concerts. It's director, Josep Boada, has announced that the concert they will offer this year will be focused on two areas: the first part will be dedicated to the centenary of the release of “Rhapsody in blue” of George Gershwin, and a second part dedicated to the most listened musical themes of the last decades.

The Cycle will continue on Tursday 11th of July with the concert of Libérica, a training leaded by the double bass player Manel Fortià who presents an original and innovative project, with an approximation to the traditional catalan music from a new fresh and regenerator point of view, using the free jazz as a conductive element. 

On Thursday 18th of July the Lied recital will be hold with the tenor Roger Padullés and Albert Guinovart as a pianist. They will interpret pieces of Guinovart, one of the most complete and multifaceted musicians nowadays, whose professional activity is divided between the dedication as a repertory pianist, composer and educator. 

Finally, the Cycle will close on Thursday 25th of July with the concert offered by the Trío Mulier, prior to the start of the Summer festivity. This is a project created by three women of the territory  Ana Mª Gil Pérez Tizón (piano), Celia Salas Ecobar (transverse flute, y Jazmín Martín Guasch (violin), which is born with the intention of enhancing the female talent in the world of musical composition, through different styles and different historical periods. 

From the Ajuntament de Constantí, the culture councilor Dolors Fortuny, has expressed her gratitude "to MNAT and all the collaborators of the Cycle of Concerts at Centcelles" and highlighted "the consolidation of the Cycle in Constantí, in the Camp de Tarragona and all Catalunya". As for the Repsol comunication manager Francisco Montoya, has bring up the "compromise of the company with the cultural iniciatives that are developed on closer surroundings" and has showed gratitude for the "opportunity to keep supporting proposals like this one".

The musical director of the Festival, Remei Tell, head of the Associació dels Amics de la Música de Constantí, has spoken of the program and the selection of the artists participating, and highlighted "the great musical level and the quality of the proposals", in a cycle that "bets on local musicians". 

Winner of the Centcelles Music Composition Award

During the presentation event of the Cycle of Concerts at Centcelles, the author and winner piece of the 4rth Centcelles Music Composition Award will be announced. The winner of this fourth edition has been "Tot l'enyor del demà" by the pianist and composer Gerard López Boada, certified by the Municipal Conservatory of Barcelona in piano and composition and with several honorary awards in different musical contests. López Boada is once again winner of this prize, which he already won last year with the piece “Elogy for a bird”.

The composition will be premiered on the concert of the 18th of July, interpreted by the tenor Roger Padullés. 

Next: El MNAT estrena nova imatge corporativa inspirada en l’arquitectura i vida urbana de Tàrraco
Previous: The MNAT joins the European Archaeological Days with free activities

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