The Cicles de Patrimoni de Tarragona, a collection of books by Publicacions de la URV, is expanded with two new publications that have been supported by the MNAT, along with other entities. This Tuesday, January 23, the two titles were presented at the Seminari Tarraconense Library: Antoni Agustí i Lluís Pons d'Icart. El Renaixement a Taragona edited by Diana Gorostidi and M. Elena Virgili, and Francesc Armanyà i Ramon Foguet. La Il-lustració a Tarragona, edited by Patricia Terrado and M. Elena Virgili. The presentation of the two new volumes was in charge of Antoni Jordà, professor of History of Law and Institutions at the URV.
The curator of archaeological sites, collections and research of the MNAT, Josep Anton Remolà, has participated in the first of two new publications, dedicated to the Renaissance period in Tarragona, with an article dedicated to the meeting between Lluís Pons de Icart and the sixteenth-century painter Anton van den Wyngaerde.
The Cicles de Patrimoni de Tarragona, promoted since 2017, has also the collaboration of the URV, the Municipal Library and Newspaper Library of Tarragona, the Institut Català d'Arqueologia Clàssica (ICAC), the Public Library of Tarragona, the Real Societat Arqueològica Tarraconense, the Library of the Seminari Tarraconense and the Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat.
The curator of archaeological sites, collections and research of the MNAT, Josep Anton Remolà, has participated in the first of two new publications, dedicated to the Renaissance period in Tarragona, with an article dedicated to the meeting between Lluís Pons de Icart and the sixteenth-century painter Anton van den Wyngaerde.
The Cicles de Patrimoni de Tarragona, promoted since 2017, has also the collaboration of the URV, the Municipal Library and Newspaper Library of Tarragona, the Institut Català d'Arqueologia Clàssica (ICAC), the Public Library of Tarragona, the Real Societat Arqueològica Tarraconense, the Library of the Seminari Tarraconense and the Departament de Cultura de la Generalitat.