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Lecture on the voice of women in the myths of Antiquity

15 February 2024

Within the program of the Reading Club Llegim el Patrimoni, on Wednesday February 14 the Tinglado 4 was the scene of the conference Veus contra el silenci. Dones del mite en el món antic. Led by Montserrat Reig and Jesús Carruesco, the session offered a journey through the female characters of the myths of Antiquity and analyzed how their voice was represented in the texts that have been preserved from Greek and Latin literature.

The conference wanted to offer a counterpoint to the readings proposed during this edition of the Reading Club Llegim el Patrimoni, co-organized by the MNAT, the Public Library of Tarragona and ONCE Catalunya with the title Tales of Antiquity: Empowered Women? While between January and March the participants in the club are reading works written during the twentieth century that reinterpret the myths from a modern perspective and with a special role of female characters, Carruesco and Reig reviewed in the conference how these same women were represented in the texts of Antiquity. Thus, attendees were able to hear the voices of characters such as Penelope, Phaedra or Ariadne collected in epic works such as Homer's Odyssey or in the tragedies of Euripides.

The Reading Club Llegim el Patrimoni analyzes this February the novel The King Must Die by Mary Renault. On Wednesday, February 28th is scheduled the session of comments on the work at the Public Library of Tarragona from 19h. The cycle will be closed in March with the reading of Lavinia by Ursula K. Le Guin. You can find more information here.

Next: The MNAT and the URV will host on March the 6th and 7th several activities on the application of 3D technology to cultural heritage.
Previous: First session of the Llegim el Patrimoni cycle with "El Vellocino de Oro".

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