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The MNAT and the URV will host on March the 6th and 7th several activities on the application of 3D technology to cultural heritage.

4 March 2024

On March 6th and 7th the second edition of the conference Bessons Digitals will be held, jointly promoted by the National Archaeological Museum of Tarragona (MNAT), the Rovira i Virgili University (URV), the Catalan Institute of Classical Archaeology (ICAC) and the program of digitization of the Catalan cultural heritage Giravolt, of the General Direction of Cultural Heritage of the Generalitat. Through various theoretical and practical workshops and a round table, this initiative will explore the applications of 3D technology to cultural heritage as well as the challenges that its irruption presents in the management of these resources and the role they should play in their preservation and dissemination.

The conference is aimed at undergraduate and graduate students of the URV, but also includes proposals open to the public. They will be led by a series of workshops in which about forty students will participate and that will take place in spaces and sites of the MNAT in order to put into practice the different techniques with the pieces and monuments preserved there.

Workshops and debate on the challenges of digitalization

In this second edition, Bessons Digitals proposes to continue the theoretical and practical exploration of 3D digitalization techniques initiated in the first edition held in 2023, but now with a special emphasis on the challenges of its dissemination and dynamization. Among other aspects, the role of this technology as a privileged tool for the safeguarding and dissemination of heritage will be analyzed. All this without forgetting the importance of reflecting on the possibilities, limits and challenges presented by its application.

The conference will be divided into two blocks: on the one hand, four workshops aimed at undergraduate and graduate students of the URV, which will work on techniques such as the use of virtual reality glasses, laser scanning, photogrammetry and digital storytelling. These workshops will take place in Centcelles on Wednesday, March the 6th and in the Early-Christian Necropolis and the MNAT Library on Thursday, March the 7th.

On the other hand, a final debate is planned, open to the public, to share the challenges involved in the dissemination of these digital objects both from museums and from other institutions dedicated to the preservation, dissemination and research on heritage. This event, which will take place on Thursday, March the 7th at 5 pm in the Room 503 of the Campus Catalunya of the URV, will be attended by Mònica Borrell, director of MNAT; Luz Gámiz, head of storytelling of Giravolt; Claudio Prandoni, founder of AEDEKA, and Josep Maria Garcia, head of Wasabi Produccions and the videomapping of the return of the Pallol. It will also be moderated by the teaching team of Digital Humanities of the URV.

This final debate, which can also be followed live online, will address strategies for preservation and sustainability of digitalization projects, as well as aspects such as the implementation of a gender perspective in the dissemination or the environmental footprint of these technologies.

You can consult the complete program of the second edition of Bessons Digitals in this link.

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